Ocean Night at Galician schools

Ocean Night’ school activities framed in Ocean Night project intend to share in Galicia the scientific knowledge about ocean with basic education, secondary education, futher education and sixth form centers.

To run that challenge the researchers and technicians at the Institute of Marine Research-CSIC will perform masterclasses, workshops and experiments at schools. 

IIM Staff will carry their scientific projects and research lines to Galician classrooms sharing the knowledge wich they are specialists. 

At these workshops, students will learn to: identify species from Ria de Vigo, get to know the role of marine species in the trophic chain, understand the upwelling water system in the Rías Baixas, find out the importance of the waves impact on key species for Galicia (for example, the mussel), know the situation of vulnerable marine systems, identify bacteria and learn to work with them, among other topics of great interest.

Responsible staff: Gabriela Ojeda and Susi Piñeiro.

Target audiences: Basic education, secondary education, futher education and sixth form centers


An ocean night, by Lucía Sánchez Ruiloba at CEIP García Barbón de Vigo (09/11/2022).

A pharmacy under the sea. Looking for new antibacterial marine compounds, by Alejandro Romero at CEIP Santa Mariña de Redondela (16/12/2022).

Life at sea, by Maria del Mar Costa Portela at CEIP Plurilingüe de Tirán de Moaña (10/02/2023).

DNA. A prodigious molecule, by Maria del Mar Costa Portela at CEIP Plurilingüe de Tirán de Moaña (10/02/2023).

Are there superheroes under the sea?, by Maria del Mar Costa Portela at CEIP Plurilingüe de Tirán de Moaña (10/02/2023).

Life at sea, by Maria del Mar Costa Portela at EEI Do Con de Moaña (13/02/2023).

Son Oceanógraf@, by Susana Fernández Bastero with the collaboration of Rosa María Bañuelos Fuentes e Susi Piñeiro at CEIP Otero Pedrayo (28/02/2023).

Valorization of discards and fishing by-products, by María Blanco Comesaña at Colegio Quiñones de León (28/02/2023).

STRAUSS workshop, by Adrián Martínez Fernández, Elsa María Silva Caride, Cristian Bastias Urbieta and Miguel Gil coto, at CEIP Salvador de Teis (01/03/2023).

Marine species, by David Villegas Ríos, with the collaboration of Susi Piñeiro, at CEIP Seixo, in Marín (03/21/2023 and 03/22/2023)

Vulnerable, by Natalia Petit Marty, with the collaboration of Susi Piñeiro, at Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza, in Vigo (03/29/23)

STRAUSS workshop, by Adrián Martínez Fernández, Elsa María Silva Caride, Cristian Bastias Urbieta and Miguel Gil Coto, at Gándara International School, in Vigo (03/29/23)

Vulnerable, by Natalia Petit Marty, with the collaboration of Susi Piñeiro, at Colegio Sagrado Corazón, in Pontevedra (03/31/23)

Microbial World, by Sonia Rodríguez Carrera and Teresa Blanco, at CEIP Carballal-Cabral , in Vigo (03/31/23)

A different fish: the seahorse, by Patricia Ruíz García, at the Mariano School, in Vigo (04/13/23)

STRAUSS Workshop, by Adrián Martínez Fernández, Elsa María Silva Caride, Cristian Bastias Urbieta and Miguel Gil Coto, at CEIP A Paz, in Tintoreira - Vigo (04/13/23)

The secret life of cephalopods, by Jorge Hernández Urcera, at IES San Paio, in Tui (21/04/23)


Gabriela Ojeda

Jaime Amaro Blanco

Loli Domínguez Vázquez

  • Specialist Technician in Analysis and Basic Processes (Chemistry), since 1997 and Senior Technician in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory (Sanitary) since 2002. In 2001 I joined the Fisheries Ecology team at the CSIC Marine Research Institute in Vigo. Since 2013, I am a Career Civil Servant as a Research Assistant at OPIs. In recent years I have been the Responsible for the determination of microscopic maturity of fish, with special responsibility for cod and redfish in the framework of the Flemish Cap project. In 2020 I joined the UCC+i as Technical Support Staff.

  • Workshop in which she/he participates: OCEAN NIGHT in Galician schools

    Department: Scientific Culture Unit

    Category: Scientific Culture

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Lucía Sánchez Ruiloba

Natalia Petit

Adrián Martinez Fernández

Miguel Gil Coto

Elsa Silva Caride

Cristian Bastias Urbieta

  • Marine Science student at the University of Vigo. Having grown up in a coastal town and belonging to a family of fishermen led him to strengthen very strong ties from an early age with the sea and the mountains. His passion for the sea, developed through the practice of diving (Advanced Open Water Diver) and apnea led him to take a degree in Marine Sciences and later also to train as a recreational boat skipper (PER). In his desire to transmit his interest and raise awareness among the youngest through environmental education, he carries out his professional practices at the Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC) with the aim of training in this field. During these practices he develops  of the STRAUSS research project school workshop, with which he collaborates in this project.

  • Workshop in which she/he participates:OCEAN NIGHT in Galician schools

    Department: Oceanic Processes in Global Change

    Category: Oceanic & Coastal Systems

Alejandro Romero

María Blanco Comesaña

David Villegas

María del Mar Costa Portela

Susana Fernández Bastero

Sonia Rodríguez Carrera

Patricia Ruiz García

Jorge Hernández Urcera


  • CEIP García Barbón (Vigo)
    CEIP Santa Mariña (Redondela)
    CEIP Plurilingüe de Tirán (Moaña)
    EEI O Con (Moaña)
    CEIP Otero Pedrayo (Vigo)
    Colexio Quiñones de León (Vigo)
    CEIP Salvador de Teis (Vigo)
    CEIP Seixo (Marín)
    Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza (Vigo)
    CEIP Carballal-Cabral (Vigo)
    CEIP Colegio Sagrado Corazón (Pontevedra)
    Colegio Mariano (Vigo)
    IES San Paio (Tui)
    Gándara International School (Vigo)
    CEIP A Paz (Vigo)

    “Do you like science and have
    unanswered questions?”

    This is your chance to get answers.
    Ocean Night
    Project ID: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01-01. Ref. 101061165
    Name of the Project: "Ocean Night: helping society understand the importance of the marine ecosystem"
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